Invoice Project Timesheets by Sections or Tasks

A popular request from our users was more granular control over how timesheets are added to invoices. We’ve listened, and have added more options to the Add Time popup, allowing you to invoice project timesheets based on section and/or task. You can also use Section and Task as grouping options for when your client wants to see time tracked per section or task.

Figure: Improved Options for Adding Time to Invoices

Filtering by Section and/or Task

This option is available only when you select one project to invoice for. We will list all the sections and tasks with un-invoiced timesheets, and you can use the drop-down to select the sections and/or tasks you want to include.

invoice project timesheets
Figure: Invoice Timesheets by Section and/or Task

Grouping by Section / Task

New grouping options allow you to show clients timesheets by Project & Section and Project & Task.

invoice project timesheets Figure: Group Timesheets on Invoice by Section and/or Task 

This makes it easier for your clients to understand the work completed in the context of the task or sections you have created for the project.

As always, let us know what you think about this new feature in the comments! 🙂 Do also check out other improvements to our Quotes/Invoices, including tracking customer views and upgrades to the Send Quote/Invoice popup

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