Drag & Drop Your Way To Project Completion

Avaza has always strived to make it easier for you to get more done, and the Drag & Drop feature does just that. Instead of having to open each task to manually mark it as completed or change the person it is assigned to, Drag & Drop allows you to do all this and more easily.

Manual Ordering and Drag & Drop

The drag & drop functionality Avaza offers you is extremely powerful, and very flexible. Here’s what you need to understand about how tasks are ordered, and how manually altering the order changes the way you (a project manager) or a team member views the task list (or kanban cards).

When tasks (or cards) are created, they are automatically added to the bottom of the section they are added to. For example, if you add a task to “Pre-Production”, it automatically gets added at the bottom of the list for that section.

Re-Ordering Lists

It is extremely simple to manually re-order this list based on when the project manager wants the task to be completed. For instance, it may be more important than every other task in that section, so it can be dragged all the way to the top of that section by using the drag handle.

However, this change will not be reflected when the tasks are grouped in another manner, for example by assigned to or status. These changes remain independent of one another. This allows project managers to re-order tasks based on the view they are in, so they can view the project in many different ways.

This is also a great way of ensuring team members understand the priority level of different tasks without having to add due dates. Because when a team member goes into their “My Tasks” view, the order in which they view their project task list can be manually changed by their project manager.


One thing to remember is that Due Dates cannot be changed through manual re-ordering. To change due dates, you will always have to go into Task Edit view, and change the due date within that.

Drag & Drop Tasks in List View

In List View, you can use Drag & Drop in two different ways to re-order tasks.

Drag & Drop Tasks Within a Section to Re-Order

Tasks are shown in sections in the order they were added, but that may not be the way you prefer to see them. To re-order tasks and change the way they’re ordered, just drag & drop the task using the drag handle on the left of the task.

Drag & Drop to Re-Order Tasks

Figure: Drag & Drop to Re-Order Tasks

Drag & Drop Tasks From One Section to Another

The second use of Drag & Drop in List View is to change the task status, section it is in or who the task is assigned to. You cannot, however, change the due date by dragging & dropping a task.

Drag & Drop Tasks Between Sections

Figure: Drag & Drop Tasks Between Sections

Drag & Drop Sections to Re-Order

Want to change the entire workflow for your project? Simply drag and drop the sections into the order you want them in using the drag handle next to the section name.

Drag & Drop Cards in Kanban View

Cards on Kanban boards can be moved both horizontally, and vertically.

Drag & Drop Cards Within a Section to Re-Order

Just like in List View, you may not want to see Cards in the order they were added so you can easily re-order them by dragging and dropping the cards upwards and downwards using the drag handle on the left of the card.

Re-order Cards Vertically

Figure: Re-order Cards Vertically

Drag & Drop Cards From Section to Section

Similar to List View, you can drag & drop cards between sections, or to change card status or who it is assigned to. You cannot change Due Dates using this method.

Drag & Drop Cards Horizontally

Figure: Drag & Drop Cards Horizontally

Drag & Drop Sections to Re-Order

Just as in List view, you can drag and drop sections if you decide to change your project workflow. Simply use the drag handle to the left of the section name to drag it into the position you need it to be in.

Drag & Drop Sections Horizontally

Figure: Drag & Drop Sections Horizontally

Drag & Drop Files

The files tab for each project holds all the file attachments for the project and the tasks on that project. Now that we’ve added drag & drop support for attachments, you can upload and attach files to the project or tasks much more easily.

Drag & Drop Files into Tasks or Cards

You can drag & drop files into tasks to make them task attachments. This makes it faster to attach a file to a specific task. Just drag the file over into the task you want to attach it to.

Drag & Drop Files into Tasks and Cards

Figure: Drag & Drop Files into Tasks and Cards

Drag & Drop Files into the Files Tab

You can also drag & drop files into the Files tab directly. Just go over to the Files Tab, and drag & drop the file from any folder on your computer. It’s a quick and easy way of uploading multiple files too.

Drag & Drop Files into Files Tab

Figure: Drag & Drop Files into Files Tab

Drag & drop support is just one of many powerful features we’ve added to Avaza, and we have many new features being launched in the coming months. Let us know what you think about the drag & drop functionality in the comments below, or by contacting us directly!

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