Google Drive Integration

Save Time by connecting Google Drive with Avaza

Use Avaza to manage your projects, timesheets and invoices and integrate with Google Drive to organize and manage your files.

File Attachments

  • Attach Google Drive files to Avaza Tasks, Task Comments, Invoices & Quotes

Here is more information on the Avaza Google Drive Integration.

Zapier Integrations

  • Automatically create a new folder in Google Drive each time a new company is created in Avaza.
  • Automatically create a new folder in Google Drive each time a new project is created in Avaza.
  • Automatically create a new text file in Google Drive each time a new task is created in Avaza.

About Google Drive

Google Drive is Google’s file sync app that lets you store all of your files online alongside your Google Docs documents, and keep them synced with all of your devices.

Connect Google Drive+ Avaza

Follow this link to connect Google Drive with Avaza.