Insightly Integration

Save Time by connecting Insightly with Avaza

Use Avaza to manage your projects, timesheets and invoices and integrate with Insightly to stay on top of your customer opportunities.

  • Automatically create a new opportunity in Insightly each time a new company is created in Avaza.
  • Automatically create a new note in Insightly each time a new task is created in Avaza.
  • Automatically create a new task in Insightly each time a new task is created in Avaza.

About Insightly

Insightly is a simple yet effective app for small businesses to manage their customers, contacts, and opportunities. Insightly enables small business owners and teams to be more productive and work together more easily, in the office or on the go.

Connect Insightly + Avaza

Follow this link to Connect Insightly with Avaza.